
Netflix show: Cable Girls 👭 👭

  My very first article, I'm stressed 😱     Today for my first post I would like to talk about the series Las Chicas Del Cable or better known in English speaking countries as Cable girls.      Before giving you my point of view I will give you a brief summary. It's the story of a young woman, Alba Romero who will change her name to Lidia Aguilar after the death of her best friend. To escape the death penalty she will have to rob the telephone company in Madrid where her first love, Francisco Gómez, is the director. From there, a lot of adventures and events will await her and her new friends.    I discovered this series 1 month ago and finished the series 2 weeks ago. How can I tell you that I loved it!!!!! First of all I love Spanish series, I don't know if it's the language, the actors or the sets but I love it. Then, the years 1920-1930 is a period that fascinates me whether it's History or everyday life. This series is great if you want to understand the condi